Meeting Minutes

April 1st, 2008

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 by President, Jim Weir. Minutes from March 4, 2008 were presented. Jason Coan moved minutes be approved, seconded by Jana Mather - minutes were approved.
  2. Jim reported trees have been planted at the playground. Sprinkler system installation should begin next Friday. Electrical system for the sprinklers will be fenced.
  3. Vice President (acting) Linda Dyer reported 2nd degree burglary at 1800 block South Lions during the month of March. Web usage report was distributed showing how many times web site was accessed, average length per visit, and number of additional pages viewed per visit. The web site is in the process of being updated. There is one known covenant violation - a trailer parked on grass in a front yard. Homeowner has received notice and second notice will be sent if trailer is not removed.
  4. Treasurer, Jana Mather reported $867.74 in checking, $20,992.00 in money market checking and outstanding dues of $16,444.16. $95.64 interest has been earned this year at a 2.02% rate.
  5. Beautification chairman, Tim Mather, reported Yard of the Month awards will start in May. He is working with Finis White to replace finials on fences with caps. These will be harder to destroy. He has also picked up trash around the pond and asks anyone noticing trash being thrown to report it to him.
  6. Neighborhood Relations co-chairman, Jason Coan, reported there are currently 4 active listings in the neighborhood and 5 others have pending contracts. Average square foot price is $83.00. Average listing price is $150,845 with average selling price of $148.836. The spring newsletter will be distributed in the next week or two.
  7. Old Business -
    • A reminder Neighborhood Spring Garage Sale will be May 31.
  8. New Business -
    • A question was asked about cleanup of limbs in the creek running adjacent to some homes in Vandever Trails. This is the responsibility of the city and how to report questions about cleanup will be distributed in the spring newsletter. Jim Weir also brought up that several homes are in need of paint and some yards are not being kept. Letters will be sent to homeowners who are not taking care of their property to remind them of the architectural guidelines stating property and yards should be properly maintained.
  9. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:40 PM.