Meeting Minutes

April 7th, 2009

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM by President, Jim Weir.
  2. Jim thanked everyone for their attendance. He reported a small fire at the pond. Police were called. The fountain is ready to be reinstalled. Light fixed at the entrance.
  3. Vice-president, Bruce Jones, reported a car theft in the neighborhood adjacent to ours. Jana Mather reported a bicycle had been stolen from their yard.
  4. Treasurer, Jana Mather, reported $2,842.91 in checking, $17,797.76 in money market checking, and $15,711.70 in outstanding dues.
  5. Secretary, Linda Dyer, presented minutes from March 2, 2009. Minutes approved as submitted. Web usage for March - 75 visits, 51 visitors from 3 countries (US, Mexico and South Korea).
  6. Beautification Chairperson, Tim Mather, reported yard of the month awards have been moved back a month and will now be awarded for May, June and July. Jim asked Tim to check the condition of houses possibly needing maintenance as he drives the neighborhood looking for yards to present the award.
  7. Neighborhood Relations, Shannon Myers-Coan, reported the newsletter would be ready to go the homes this month. Currently there are 8 homes for sale and homes have averaged $79.00 sq/ft selling price.
  8. Old Business - Neighborhood garage sale to be Saturday, May 30.
  9. Marion Dyer moved to adjourn the meeting, Jerry Thompson seconded and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM.