Meeting Minutes

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President, Jim Weir.
  2. Discussion about front of neighborhood. Pond pump ordered and paid on Nov. 25th. Should be running before Christmas. Jim has asked for opinions on putting the pump on a timer to save the pump. If this is done, could leave on when very cold. New flagpole will be put up. Things are getting damaged. We need to be more watchful of what is going on. Discussion of individuals getting apprehended for damages.
  3. Jana Mather, Treasurer reported $978.33 in checking; $7,521.22 in money market checking and $6,463.21 receivables for a total assets of $14,962.76.
  4. Dues will remain the same for 2009.
  5. Tim Mather, Beautification Chairperson, reported the Christmas light contest will be held in the next couple of weeks. He will be driving around the neighborhood and a drawing will be held on December 21st of the best decorated homes. He will anchor the trash cans. There has been an increase of about $36.00 per year.
  6. There are currently 5 homes active in the neighborhood. Currently homes are selling for $80.00 per foot.
  7. Minutes were accepted from the November 4, 2008 meeting.
  8. There was a discussion of putting a fence at a back yard facing the pond to stop people from walking in their yard. Also a discussion about sign at playground being fixed by Spring.
  9. Drawing was held for free dues for 2008. Names were taken from those who had attended meetings in 2008 (name added each time meeting attended). Finis White won free dues for 2008.
  10. Discussion of sheds still up. When invoices go out there will be copies of covenants put in letter.
  11. Meeting was adjourned.