Meeting Minutes

February 1st, 2005

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Called to order by Vice President Jim Weir
  2. The minutes from the December 2004 meeting were not available, and no meeting was held in January.
  3. President's Report-Jennifer Graves (not present)
  4. Vice President's Report-Jim Weir
    • Jim updated the group on the Website. We have contracted Misty Neatherton to update the site. Each board member will have access to a web page for up dating their part of the neighborhood business.
  5. Treasurer's Report-Jim Weir
    • All statements have been sent, several dues returned paid. Rechecking addresses for additional mailings. Reported total monthly spending and income assets.
  6. Beautification Report-Bob Eva
    • We are requesting bids for the following work projects planned for the spring:
      1. Replacement of shrubs at the front entrance center island and main beds due to loss of plants and bushes.
      2. Electrical work adding power to the gazebo and one more outlet at the center island.
      3. Lights will be removed from the center island trees
  7. Neighborhood Relations-Finis White
    • No new neighbors have requested packages.
  8. Neighborhood Watch-Sue Fowler
    • Copies of all neighborhood watch forms and requirements were given to Sue. Due to the vandalism recently in the neighborhood, the watch program is very important, and needs Block Captains and kick starting.
  9. Old Business (none)
  10. New Business
    • Jim Weir discussed the new year spending planned.
    • a flag is planned for the front entrance and possibly
    • new flower beds for the park.
  11. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM