Meeting Minutes

February 6th, 2007

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:04 by President, Linda Dyer.
  2. President, Linda Dyer, reported several new covenant violations. Letters will be sent. One special violation complaint was presented to the membership for discussion. An e-mail received from the complainant was read. The complaint states a retired attorney residing in the neighborhood is representing the Association from his residence, and this constitutes a violation of the covenant restricting a business operating out of the home. Since this complaint involves a relative of a board member and also is against the Association for using the services of this attorney, the members in attendance were asked for input and direction for the Board of Directors. Membership was supportive and appreciative of the services of the resident. The membership was not asked to vote, as this is a function of the Board, but input was received and Board will vote on this matter.
  3. A change in Webmaster was announced and a counter is now operative for our website. 55 hits were received in January.
  4. Vice President: Louis Cretella, reported juveniles were caught vandalizing the pond and attempting to set fire to a tree. A complaint was filed by the Association against the juveniles and a court date has been set. Our resident attorney has volunteered to follow up on this case.
  5. Treasurer's Report: In the absence of Jim Weir, Treasurer, Linda Dyer reported $1,488.l7 in checking; $19,021.80 in money market checking; and accounts receivable of $25,305.24.
  6. Secretary's Report: Linda Dyer (acting) Minutes of Dec. 5, 2006 were read and approved.
  7. Committee Reports:
    • Beautification: Tim and Jana Mather reported Michael and Cindy Forcum, 1801 S. Maple were winners of the Christmas Light Contest. Pictures are posted on the website.
    • Neighborhood Relations: Joyce Hodges, reported welcome packets are current.
  8. New Business: Storage Sheds
    • Linda Dyer gave an overview of the history and current status of storage buildings for Vandever Trails. Members participated with questions and suggestions. Storage buildings will again be discussed at the March meeting before a vote in April.
  9. Questions and Comments from the Floor:
    • A question was raised about the Association putting sand and/or salt on neighborhood streets during times of extreme inclement weather. Sand was put down in two places during the recent ice storm. A question was later raised about the legality of a neighborhood association putting any substance on city streets. This will be researched and reported.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.