Meeting Minutes

February 5th, 2008

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. President, Jim Weir, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
  2. Jim reported that tops are being knocked off our fences around the park and playground. We are starting to replace these with flat tops that can't be knocked off. Also, Jim thanked TIM MATHER for the work he did to clean up trees and debris after the December ice storm.
  3. Jana Mather, treasurer, reported $3,660.00 in checking, $16,951.87 in money market checking and receivables of $23,019.06. We have earned interest of $23.28 at 2.95%. Last year's interest was $753.04.
  4. Linda Dyer, secretary, presented the December 4, 2007 minutes. Jana Mather moved and Gene Toni seconded accepting the minutes. They were approved. It was decided that we will continue our year-end drawing for free dues for one homeowner, with names to be drawn from those who attend meetings - one chance for each time they attend. Linda reported she is not aware of any recent crime in the subdivision.
  5. Tim Mather, Beautification Chairman, reported that Don and Dorothy Gleason won the $50.00 Christmas decorating prize. Logs have been thrown in the pond. Tim asks that we report any unusual activity around the pond to him so he can monitor activity. There has been some change to the new grass over the dam that was built at the pond last year. Jim will check on this. The electricity has been completed at the playground. Tim also volunteered to help any homeowner who has a problem with getting limbs picked up from the curb.
  6. Jason Coan, Neighborhood Relations Chairman, reported that he and Shannon would begin to get out new neighbor packets after taking off during the holidays and ice storm.
  7. Members in attendance reviewed names of those having outstanding dues. Marion Dyer, association attorney, asked for guidance on how to proceed with collection of these dues. A decision will be made by March 1 on how to proceed.
  8. There being no further business, Gene Toni moved and Tim Mather seconded adjourning the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:35.