Meeting Minutes

February 3rd, 2009

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President, Jim Weir.
  2. Jim reported that two sheds remaining standing. Letters will be sent this week informing homeowners' sheds must be removed within 30 days. There has been destruction of fence posts around the pond. Finis White has replaced all finials with flat tops around the pond in hopes of deterring further damage. Suggestions for possible deterrents were prosecute any caught destroying property (already in place) and motion sensor lights around the pond. It was suggested that when the fountain is replaced, lights associated with the fountain might help. Workmen contracted to replace the fountain have been called to help with ice cleanup. Finis and Bob Eva will be working to get the fountain replaced as soon as possible. Jim reported there had been vehicles break-ins on Quincy, but the block numbers were unknown.
  3. Jim reported for Jana Mather there is $4,080.89 in checking; $11,299.48 in money market checking; receivables of $26,746.70 for total assets of $42,127.07.
  4. The minutes from December 2, 2008 were presented. Gene Toni moved to approve, Bruce Jones seconded - minutes approved.
  5. Tim Mather, Beautification chairperson, reported the Christmas light contest was won by Jennifer Brannon, 1319 West Pittsburg Place. The basketball goal for the playground is on order.
  6. Jason Coan, Neighborhood Relations chairperson, reported 6 homes active. Current sales price is $78.00 sq/ft. and average sale price $147,941. Sales prices are continuing to drop in response to current economy. One home closed during the month.
  7. There will be a spring garage sale. Date to be determined.
  8. It was mentioned that the association has several maintenance items that will need to be addressed in the coming months. These will be reported as completed.
  9. Gene Toni moved to adjourn; Bruce Jones seconded, and meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.