Meeting Minutes

June 5th, 2007

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:05 by President, Linda Dyer.
  2. Linda reported 2 possible covenant violations: boat and trailer in driveways, plus an inoperative car in a driveway. Letters will be sent. We had 131 hits to the website in March and April and 63 in May. Crimes in the neighborhood are now posted on the website under "Neighborhood Watch" section.
  3. Jim Weir, acting vice-president, reported weeds killed and new mulch down on the playground. Work was also done on the retaining wall. Green vines in the pond are being cut out and there is a chemical that will help the condition of the pond but will not harm the fish. This will be put in the pond soon. Benches at the playground will be moved to the pond and new benches will be installed in the playground.
  4. Jim Weir, Treasurer, reported $687.34 in checking account; $25,341.52 in money market (year to date interest $344.92 at 4.57% vs. last year's total interest of $505.20. Currently have $14,158.57 in outstanding dues. Names of homeowners owing more than $300.00 furnished to our resident attorney. He will file small claims actions against these homeowners. Currently have $176.67 outstanding bills and Kent Todd, VTHA accountant, will pay these.
  5. Linda Dyer, acting secretary, presented minutes from 5/1/07 and they are approved.
  6. Tim Mather reported lst yard of the month would be awarded in the next couple of weeks. Distribution of Broken Arrow Ledgers was again discussed. Linda will contact the Ledger with neighborhood concerns.
  7. Joyce Hodges, Neighborhood Relations Chairman, reported Welcome Packets up to date.
  8. Old Business: Letters were sent to homeowners displaying "FOR SALE" signs at the entrance and these have been removed. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT will be held August 7 and homeowners will be asked to help serve and clean up. Only one GARAGE SALE will be held in the fall and then a decision will be made on whether to continue fall sales or move them back to spring.
  9. New Business: Linda reported the Board is exploring cost of finishing a small section of sidewalk that was never installed. Also Linda is going to explore possibilities of having some kind of connection between our subdivision and the walking trails to the south of the subdivision.
  10. Meeting adjourned at 7:45.