Meeting Minutes

March 4th, 2003

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Call to Order: Bob Eva
  2. Secretary's Report: David Hutchison
    • Reading of the February 2003 Minutes
    • Speed Bumps on Pittsburg Place
      1. Discussion included additional areas requiring traffic control
      2. The petition process was discussed
      3. Those in attendance approved of the new speed bumps
  3. Vice President's Report: Mark Davis
    • ARC Packets - delivered to all homes in the neighborhood
  4. Committee Updates
    • Beautification (no updates to report)
    • Neighborhood Relations
      1. Staying up on the new neighbor packets.
    • Neighborhood Watch
      1. Meeting with two people this week about being Block Captains.
      2. Need a total of 11-12 volunteers
      3. There seems to be difficulty in finding volunteers
      4. Asked everyone to bring complaints and issues to the regular meetings for constructive discussion
  5. Old Business
    • ARC Guidelines
      1. Feedback on ARC cover letter - came across fine, no negative connotations reported
      2. Review of the Wendland's recommendation to limit the number of trees per lot
      3. Review of basketball goal revisions
      4. Review of Holiday Decorations addition to the proposed Guidelines
      5. Feedback on final version of the document was very positive
    • Craig Thurmond: Representative
      1. Supposed to come down to the meeting in the near future
      2. Encouraged the Association to file for reimbursement for the damaged sprinkler system
      3. Was invited to come and speak regarding the park, flood control, trash, and mail
    • Wendland's Nursery: will honor last year's coupon for 2003 (to be posted to the web site)
    • Beautification projects
      1. Bid for three large shade trees for the playground area totaled $1200 - $1800.
      2. Benches at Lowe's range from $60 - $100 each
      3. Motion by Finis White, second by Mrs. Tyler to spend a maximum of $2,000 on trees and benches (motion carried)
      4. Some additional discussion on trash cans
  6. Treasurer's Report: Joe Doemeier
    • Dues Update
      1. $13,790 collected
      2. 12 checks to deposit
      3. Approx 60 properties left unpaid
    • Brief Financial Update - as of Feb 28, 2003
      1. A $500 donation made to Lyn Wood Elementary on behalf of the Homeowner's Association - Bob Eva and Mark Davis
      2. Treasurer's report attached
      3. $38,651 in total assets
      4. Approximately $17K in checking, balance in savings
      5. Second round of dues statements will go out next week
  7. New Business
    • VTHA Neighborhood is under potential annexation for school district changes. There is a public forum meeting next Monday (3/10 - 6:30pm @ Sequoia Middle School).
    • The Red Cross can come out and do a presentation on Disaster Preparedness. There was a great deal of interest. The presentation would address areas such as how to react and prepare for the following:
      1. Chemical spills
      2. Natural disasters
      3. Evacuation preparedness
      4. Terrorist prevention
    • President's Minute - appreciation to the out going ARC Committee members (David Hutchison, Mark Davis, and Kevin English) for all their efforts. We are still looking for 2003 volunteers.
  8. 8:00 Meeting Adjournment