Meeting Minutes

March 4th, 2008

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President, Jim Weir.
  2. Jim reported actions being taken against a homeowner who has had repeated, multiple covenant violations. We are working with the city and sending letters, plus personal visits to rectify these violations.
  3. Linda Dyer, Acting Vice-President, reported pull trailers in yards. One is using the trailer to haul tree debris. Another is apparently moving. If that trailer is not moved in 2-3 weeks, a letter will be sent. Linda also reported no crime in the subdivision since the last meeting.
  4. Jana Mather, reported $1,811.40 in checking, $20,948.68 in money market and $17,044.16 in receivables. Interest earned to date is $52.32 at a rate of 2.82%.
  5. Linda Dyer, secretary, presented minutes from February 5, 2007. Gene Toni moved and Jason Coan seconded approving the minutes. They were approved.
  6. Tim Mather, beautification chair, reported yard of the month will be awarded for the months of May, June and July. Other beautification activities are ongoing.
  7. Jason Coan, neighborhood relations co-chair, reported welcome packets are current. We currently have 2 houses with pending contracts and 6 houses on the market. Jana asked that Jason obtain and report current square foot sales price.
  8. New Business -
    • Jason and Shannon Coan are interested in reinstating the newsletter to be delivered door-to-door. They have offered to help in copying and distributing the newsletter. It was decided door-to-door distribution is better for communication and the hand-delivered newsletter will be reinstated. How often to distribute newsletters will be determined during this year.
    • Members in attendance wanted a spring garage sale. Date for the neighborhood garage sale will be May 31. This will be publicized in the spring newsletter.
  9. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.