Meeting Minutes

May 6th, 2008

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by acting Vice-president, Linda Dyer.
  2. Linda reported for Jim Weir replacement trees are planted at playground and the sprinkler system should be installed this week.
  3. Linda also reported on web usage - 88 visits during the past month from 3 countries and territories.
  4. We are not aware of any covenant violations at this time.
  5. Gene Toni reported there had been a house broken into in the 1600 block S. Ironwood during the month of April but the owner returned home in time to avert a burglary. This is the last known crime committed in the subdivision.
  6. Tim Mather reported for the treasurer we have $2,172.85 in checking; $18,810.00 in money market checking; $128.85 interest received to date at 1.93%; and $13,996.70 in accounts receivable. Marion Dyer reported that 10 homeowners have been sued in small claims court for non-payment of dues. Five of these have been paid, with the remaining pending. Marion and Linda Dyer will appear in court on May 15 to represent the interest of VTHA.
  7. Linda Dyer, Secretary, presented minutes from April 1, 2008 and these were accepted as presented.
  8. Committee Reports:
    • Beautification: Tim Mather reported Yard of the Month will begin in May with $50.00 presented to winning homeowner. There has been additional planting done at the entrance. He asked anyone noticing unusual activity at the playground or pond to report to him so he could take action.
    • Neighborhood Relations: Shannon Myers-Coan reported 6 houses for sale in the subdivision Ð 2 have closed since last meeting. All welcome packets are current.
  9. Old Business:
    • Neighborhood garage sale will be May 31. Linda will advertise the sale and Tim will put out the sign at the entrance.
  10. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM.