Meeting Minutes

October 2nd, 2007

Location: Lynn Wood Elementary

Time: 7:00 PM

  1. Meeting called to order 7:00 PM by President, Linda Dyer.
  2. Linda reported 3 covenant violations (2 trailers parked in driveways or lots) and one motor home stored on the street. Motor home will be moved soon - 1 trailer already removed. Also one architectural guideline violation - failure to maintain property.
  3. Garage sale has 39 residents participate with good customer turnout. Web use for September - 69 hits. Report on crime in the neighborhood during 2007 distributed.
  4. Jim Weir, Acting Vice-President, gave an update on electrical work at the playground. New trees will be planted this month and the American flag for the entrance will be purchased this month.
  5. Jim Weir, Treasurer, reported $730.71 bills paid last month. Balance in checking after bills paid is $1,248.28, money market checking is $15,615.89, and interest earned to date is $619.29. We have accounts receivable of $10,239.16.
  6. Linda Dyer, acting secretary, presented September minutes and they were approved.
  7. Tim Mather reported Glenda Treese, 1212 W. San Antonio, winner of Sept. Yard of the Month.
  8. The following slate was presented as officers for 2008:
    • President: Jim Weir
    • Vice President: Open
    • Secretary: Linda Dyer
    • Treasurer: Jana Mather
  9. Ken Regier moved and Gene Toni seconded election by acclimation. Motion carried.
  10. Gene Toni moved and Don Meredith seconded that Jana and Tim Mather serve as Beautification Chairpersons for 2008. Motion carried.
  11. Marion Dyer moved and Ken Regier seconded that Jason Coan and Shannon Myers-Coan serve as Neighborhood Relations chairpersons for 2008. Motion carried.
  12. Special Projects and Neighborhood Watch chairpersons remain open.
  13. Questions and Comments from the Floor:
    • Marion Dyer pointed out that we now have 49 residents who have not paid 2007 Dues. After a discussion, Don Meredith moved and Jason Coan seconded that beginning in 2008, small claims actions will be filed after a resident is delinquent on 2 yearsŐ dues. This means that when a resident owes $240.00 and that amount becomes past due, action will be taken.
  14. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.